
♥ Gimnáziumi beíratkozás a 9. évfolyamra 2024. június 26., 27. és 28-án!♥ Elveszett, megsemmisült bizonyítvánok pótlása!  Bővebben: Aktuális menüben Kisvirág-díj, az iskola kiemelkedő teljesítményt nyújtó diákjai részére ! Bővebben: RÓLUNK/Kisvirág-díj menü

Deák Diák Primary School


H-1081 Budapest, II. János Pál pápa tér 4.

Tel.: +36 1 333–5390, Tel. & Fax: +36 1 333–9171





Headmaster: Mr Tamás FARCZÁDI-BENCZE MA, MPA, educational expert

Maintainer: Klebelsberg Institution Maintenance Centre


  • state, 8 grade primary school inclusive education for special need children
  • “schola cantorum” music section
  • folk dance section
  • art school in the afternoon: drama, dancing, the fine arts, handicraft faculties
  • afternoon day-care with: study groups, game clubs, sports groups, talent groups,
    science clubs, history club, geography club, bible studies, etc
Student population:   400
Teaching Staff:     40
(Including: psychologist 1; speech therapist 1; special need teachers 3)    
Non-teaching Staff :     10
Classes:     16
Afternoon home-groups:     14


16 classrooms, music room, library, physics and chemistry labs, computer room, kitchen for home economics, small group-rooms for language teaching in sets or for music lessons (piano, flute, guitar, violin), two gymnasiums for sports, drama and dancing, schoolyard for sports and play, snack bar, student’s clubroom (computers, toys, board games etc.)

We take our children regularly to swimming-pool and in the winter to skating rink.


After finishing their studies in our school students go to

Secondary Grammar School:   about 55 %
Secondary Vocational School:   about 40 %
Vocational School:   about   5 %

Enrolling zone and social background of the students: our children come from socially, financially and culturally very heterogeneous families, about 20-25 % of them can be regarded as disadvantageous living in unemployed, poor families. About half of them arrives out of our enrolling zone due to the right of free choice of school in Hungary.

There are two extremes among the parents who apply to our school: those who need high level, „elite” education for their children, and those whose children have some kind of disability, reading or writing or behaviour disorder, physical problems. We think the cause of this phenomenon is that our school is known as a liberal one of good academic results, where there is a friendly, harmonic teacher-pupil relation, and where we try to tailor the activities to the child’s ability, knowledge, speed of progress.

We try to take all kind of opportunity to make our children meet the sense of success and we inspire them to ’go to prove their soul ‘.

We inspire our children to enter different competitions outside and inside the school, these are very good occasions to challenge their knowledge and abilities.

The variety is inherent part of our educational philosophy: everybody has a talent for something, and the school should give the chance to recognize it.

We have three main sections, as in all other primary schools in Hungary.

Lower grades:   1 – 4
Upper grades:   5 – 8
Afternoon day-care:   1 – 8 grades

Subjects in Lower Grades:

reading, writing, composition, drama, maths, environment, PE, dancing, singing, drawing and second language.

Subjects in Upper Grades:

Hungarian grammar, Hungarian literature, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, geography, music, dancing, art, PE, IT, history, home economics, craft, drama, second language.

Second Language: By the end of the second grade, the children and the parents decide what language they choose to learn from the third grade. Usually they want English. The rate is: 80 % English, 20 % German. They study the foreign language in groups (10-12 children). In the third and fourth grades they have 3 lessons/week, from the fifth grade 4 lessons/week.

Special need children:

in each of our classes there are some integrated children with different problems: autism, hearing and sight disorder, mental retardation, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, behaviour problems, etc.

Most of our lower grade teachers have got special qualification in correction of dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia, and we have a Special Team consisting of a speech therapist, a psychologist and three special need teachers. They are resource teachers for the children and the teachers, too, actually they advise the parents.

Music Education:

We have a so called “schola cantorum“ section. The name of our ensemble: Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis, half of our student population (200 pupils) gets this type of music education. Schola cantorum means: singing school. Originally the ensemble of the professional singers of the Holy See was mentioned by this name. Our “schola” is a XXI. century version of the old tradition. The music that children learn covers the wide range of pieces stemming from the period of plainchant through early renaissance until the contemporary church and secular music.

In the tradition of schola pupils participate from the very beginning in the church music liturgical services together with their teachers and other professional musicians, thus they become real partners of each other in music. Schola cantorum doesn’t mean religious education, the aim is: to introduce children into “ars musica”, and by this means to train educated, tolerant human beings, who love and understand music.

Art education in the afternoon:

Over the compulsory curriculum offered Art, in the afternoon our students can choose drama or fine arts or handicraft or dance workshops led by teacher-artists.

Free-time activities and sports:

In the afternoon we have about ten clubs: cooking, chess, science, “green”, small mathematicians, etc. Optional sport activities: football, basketball, aikido, table-tennis, rhythmic gymnastics

Forest School:

All of our classes spend at least one week of the school year in the county. There they have a special environment protecting and cultural history programme based on the geographical and social specifics of the place.

Camps: In the summers we organize about 4-5 camps: a big school camp at lake Balaton and some other smaller ones and sport camps.

School Traditions:

We have traditional events and celebrations: the three day camping of the whole school in September, Santa Claus’ visit, Christmas concert, carnival, Parents’ Ball, celebration of the Earth Day, the graduation parade, Family Day, etc. These are good occasions to confirm the feeling that we all belong to the same community.

European Dimension:

We believe in the future of a co-operative Europe and we try to prepare our students for being European citizens, too. For the sake of introducing “European dimension” into our thinking, we have been getting involved into several European educational projects. Our students work together with Finnish, Austrian, British, Icelandic, Danish, Turkish, Latvian and Czech students in Lingua and Comenius projects.

The structure of management:

The Governing Body: head and two deputy heads

The Broader Governing Body: head, deputy heads, heads of departments, head of lower grade section, head of day care section, representative of the teachers’ union, teacher responsible for students’ welfare, teacher responsible for students’ self-government

The School Board consists of equal number of parents and teachers and a representative of the maintainer. The rights and the role of School Boards in Hungary depend on the local demand of the school communities. In our school this Board has rather a consultative role.

We also have a Council of Parents; it plays a very important role in our school life. The representatives of the classes’ parents’ community are the members of the Council. Every month they meet the head and some teachers of the staff. They organize programmes and give voice of the parents’ opinion.

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